John Baylor experiments

How to Win at NPR

  1. listen to the Sunday Puzzle
  2. Search for one of the many baby name sites. I used this one
  3. Copy the boys names
  4. Open irb and type some stuff:
nn = %w(
  # paste the boys names here...
hh = {}
nn.each {|n| last5 = n[1..-1]; hh[last5] ||= []; hh[last5] << n }.length {|k,v| v.length == 3 }.values.each {|v| puts v.join(', ') }
  1. Then comb through the sets of names, extracting the ones that fit the criteria (two names starting with a consonant, one name starting with a vowel)

The best solution I found: Auston, Huston, Juston

Blog format shamelessly lifted from Mojombo, creator of Jekyll