John Baylor experiments

Speaking My Mind

I just read Stealing Ideas and it struck a chord. I have, over the course of years, had ideas for software and hardware and stories and art that I’ve never shown to anyone for fear that they might steal my idea. Or they might see it in an unfinished state. And, in his insightful post, Daniel Solis points out the hubris and stupidity and laziness inherent in this thinking.

So, I will start blogging my ideas, in their unfinished state - and see what happens.

First idea (which I’ve made some progress on) is gitanon. gitanon is a way to anonymize a git repo in such a way that future employers (::cough:: github ::cough::) could see the tenor and shape of the closed-source code I’ve written without being privvy to the full details. Collaborators and filenames and class names would all be obfuscated so that no corporate secrets are revealed and yet future employers could see both the conciseness and the clarity of my beautiful code. A side project of gitanon is the deluminator gem - like the Harry Potter invention that removes light, the gem would consistently obfuscate whatever text you provide.

That is all for now. More to come.

Blog format shamelessly lifted from Mojombo, creator of Jekyll