John Baylor experiments

Openly Developing Another Toy App (App Step 0)

My side projects usually involve some new technology, and some type of game. This one also includes blogging the entire process. As if anyone would want to know how it went - vs. how it was intended to go.

First off, a bit about my philosophy for dealing with new (to me) tech and app development. Assuming there is nothing earth-shatteringly difficult about the basic functionality, it’s just a matter of charting the path and finding the time to put one foot in front of the other.

This app (I’ll get to what it is, eventually) is 99% user-focused, so I’ll start by delineating all the screens I can imagine, then winnow it down to the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that can get something usable in front of real users - with some distinction between app-specific screens and screens that are a needed for nearly any app. Once the screens are envisioned, consider the data they each need - and create fake example data - before (finally) getting to the code.

Along the way, give some thought to all the back-end administrative tasks that need to happen - should I fiddle with the database to add X, Y, or Z - or create screens for each of those tasks? My answer, from a bit of experience over the years, is that if you might ever ever ever do something twice then you should codify the process - in code(!) - to ensure it’s done consistently every time and gets better over time. Leaving any process to my fallible memory is a recipe for mistakes and inconsistencies.

Lastly, unless you plan to use a novel flow that no one in the world has ever used, consider the transitions between screens. Stick to standard patterns that your users are already familiar with: Which screens should be modal dialogs? Which ones should be step N of M in a “wizard” flow? Which ones have a clear heirarchy? Which ones should be accessible at any time, from any screen?

Summarizing those last few paragraphs:

OK, time to get coding (in the next installment)…

Blog format shamelessly lifted from Mojombo, creator of Jekyll